National Parks
- Altos de Nsork
- Monte Alén
- Pico de Basilé
Natural Reserves
- Annobón
- Corisco y Elobeyes
- Estuario del Muni
- Monte Temelón
- Punta Llende
- Rio Campo
Natural Monuments
Scientific Reserves
- Caldera de Luba
- Playa Nendyi
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
- Isla de Annobón
- Reserva Natural del Estuario del Muni
- Río Ntem o Campo
Cloud Forest Sites
- Gran Calera de Luba
- Pico Basile
- Pico Biao
Protected Areas in Equatorial Guinea
Reserves created prior to independence (Equatorial Guinea was a Spanish Colony until 1960) appear to have been established by Ministerial Decree. Since independence, until 1988, the system of national parks and reserves established by the Spanish administration (Rio Ekuka Game Reserve, Mt Raices and Mt Alen reserves) was no longer formally recognised. Under the Decree of 31 December 1988 (No. 8/1988), the President announced certain regulations with respect to wildlife, protected areas and hunting. These include establishment of the legal basis to create protected areas.
Legislation providing for national parks (parques nacionales), scientific reserves (reservas cientificas), faunal refuges (refugios de fauna) and wildlife sanctuaries (santuarios de vida silvestre) is provided for under Law No. 8/1988 of 31 December 1988, regarding Wildlife, Hunting and Protected Areas (Ley Num. 8/1988 reguladora de la Fauna Silvestre, Caza y Areas Protegidas).
Law No. 6/1990 passed on 22 August established the National Committee for the Protection of the Environment (Comite Nacional de Protección del Medio Ambiente), within the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry. This Committee is empowered to protect natural resources.
Source: World Database on Protected Areas, UNEP-WCMC