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Valentino Castle (photo by Andrea Miola)
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Canoeing in the Orco and Malone Confluence Reserve (photo by Andrea Miola)
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Grazing cows in the Po Morto Oasis Nature Reserve (photo by Enrico Castello)
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Nuphar lutea (photo by Roberto Ostellino)
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(photo by Enrico Castello)

Nature, Use of the Territory, and History between the Hills and the River Po in the Area of Turin

The territory of a river and the territory of the hills delimiting it in the east is a unique setting that only a few big urban centers can boast: the area of Turin has this luck. We are apparently far from the stereotype of the "protected area" recalling large woodlands, snow-clad summits, and wild animals. Our context is an area with a high human pressure, characterized at the same time by important habitats and historical-architectural features: a system of protected areas established in order to improve a urban area, and therefore also to provide recreational and outdoor opportunities to its over two million citizens and to the tourists visiting it. The rivers of the area of Turin belong to nature, to fascinating river landscapes, corridors for the bird migration, where historical evidences of the relationship between man and the river are still visible. Collina Torinese is still a casket of woodlands and landscapes facing the unique alpine chain it is possible to admire from Turin.

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