

The Park Info Points

Po and Collina Torinese Park Authority has the following three information points:

1) Cascina Le Vallere - Moncalieri
Corso Trieste, 98 - Moncalieri (TO)
Tel. +39 0114326520
Access to the public and Park Authority Secretary of Po and Collina Torinese Park : from Monday to Friday, 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m., from Monday to Thursday, 2.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

2) Castagneto Po Operation Office
Via Alessandria, 2 - 10090 Castagneto Po (TO)
Tel. +39 0114326550
Open from Monday to Thursday, from 9.00 am to noon and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm, on Friday from 9.00 am to noon.

3) Carmagnola Visitor Center
At Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Parco Cascina Vigna, via S. Francesco di Sales, 188 - Carmagnola (TO)
Tel. +39 011 9724390
Open to the public on: visit the website

Park Authority Head Offices in Moncalieri
Park Authority Head Offices in Moncalieri
Cascina Vallere inner courtyard, housing the Park Head Offices
Cascina Vallere inner courtyard, housing the Park Head Offices
Panels in Cascina Le Vallere
Panels in Cascina Le Vallere

Congress Hall

Po and Collina Torinese Park Authority has two Congress Halls, one in Castagneto Po and the other one in Moncalieri. Both can be temporarily used by other subjects on payment.

Congress Hall of Cascina Le Vallere, in Moncalieri

Congress Hall of Castagneto Po

Path to the Congress Hall of Cascina Le Vallere
Path to the Congress Hall of Cascina Le Vallere
Congress Hall of Cascina Le Vallere
Congress Hall of Cascina Le Vallere

Recreational Areas

In Po Torinese Park there are some recreational areas where visitors can find services useful for their visit to the protected area.
Here you are the list of the recreational areas, including the services you can find in each area:

"Oasi del Po Morto" Recreational Area (Municipality of Carignano)

  • Car park

"Molinello" Recreational Area (Municipality of Moncalieri)

  • Structures not available

"Le Vallere" Recreational Area (Municipality of Moncalieri)

  • Car park
  • Cycle rack
  • Fountains with drinking water
  • Picnic area with tables and benches
  • Areas to let the dogs free from the leash
  • Toys for children
  • Phenology garden not open to the public
  • Information panel
  • Cycle-pedestrian routes

Access to Parco delle Vallere:
every day, from 16th October to 15th March: 7.00 a.m.-7.00 p.m.
every day, from 16th March to 15th October: 7.00 a.m.-9.00 p.m.
On holiday days, in spring and in summer, the access to the parking area is with fee (5.00 Euros)

The Recreational Area is regulated by L.R. 18/87 and by PDF Conditions of Use.

Within Le Vallere Recreational Area you will find Carlo Allioni Phenological Garden

Further news on Le Vallere Recreational Area

"Arrivore e Colletta" Recreational Area (Municipality of Turin)

  • Picnic area with tables and benches
  • Toys for children
  • Car park
  • Drinking water

Recreational Areas on Collina di Superga (Municipality of Turin)
The recreational areas are 4, 3 of them are situated along the Panoramic Road and 1 near the site of the Basilica

  • Picnic area with tables and benches
  • Car park
  • Drinking water
  • Self-guided botanical trail
  • Cycle route for mountain bikes

Recreational Areas in Bosco del Vaj (Municipality of Castagneto Po)
The recreational areas are 2

  • Picnic area with tables and benches
  • Car park
  • Self-guided nature trail

"Ponte di Legno di Verolengo" Recreational Area (Municipality of Verolengo)

  • Car park
  • Cycle rack
  • Fountains with drinking water
  • Picnic area with tables and benches
  • Barbecue
  • Information panel

Recreational Area in "Riserva del Baraccone" (Municipality of Brusasco)

  • Car park
  • Picnic area with tables and benches
  • Bird watching hut

Recreational Area in "Riserva del Baraccone" (Municipality of Cavagnolo)

  • Picnic area with tables and benches

Po Morto Nature Sanctuary in Carignano
Po Morto Nature Sanctuary in Carignano
Table and benches in Verolengo Recreational Area
Table and benches in Verolengo Recreational Area
Toys and benches in Le Vallere Recreational Area
Toys and benches in Le Vallere Recreational Area

Authorization to gather mushrooms

According to the regional law n. 24 of 2007, it is necessary to pay a fee in order to gather mushrooms. The authorization for gathering mushrooms is valid on the entire regional territory and lasts from a day to 3 years maximum, depending on the paid fee. The payment could also be made for the regional park bodies.
For more information about how to pay and about its duration, visit this page.

Parasol mushrooms
Parasol mushrooms

Po Piemontese Park Guides

Park Guides are professionals who offer a wide range of services for children and adults, such as guided hikes and learning activities, both outdoors and in the schools or at the Park visitor Centres.

Po Piemontese Park Guides

For information: Tel. +39 0114326527

Park Guides at Le Vallere
Park Guides at Le Vallere

Cycle tourism guides

Cycle tourism guides will accompany visitors to better discover the nature reserves and surrounding areas.

4 guides have been appointed as "Cycle-tourist Guides of Po Torinese Park and CollinaPo Biosphere Reserve" by Resolution No 59 on August 22nd, 2017. Click below for the list.

Cycle tourism guides

Welcome Centers and Local Tourist Boards

The area of Po and Collina Torinese Park and the territorial tourist area "Po Confluenze Nord Ovest" is very large and extends from the Province of Cuneo to the Province of Vercelli, crossing the whole Province of Turin. Therefore, in the Park territory there are 4 welcome centers and local tourist boards:

For the Province of Turin
ATL "Turismo Torino e Provincia"
For the Province of Vercelli
For the Province of Cuneo
ATL "Turismo Valsesia e Vercelli"
ATL "del Cuneese"
For the Province of Asti
ATL "Astiturismo"

Tourist Information Offices

The Park Warehouse

The mark CollinaPo

The Po and Collina Torinese Protected Areas' management authority created and registered the collective mark "CollinaPo" with the aim of achieving the following goals:

  • fostering the image and development of the territory within the territorial planning of Po and Collina Torinese
  • safeguarding its natural heritage and cultural-historical traditions
  • guaranteeing consumers who use the services offered by the territory
  • introducing the eco-friendly services to the public
  • fostering businesses to join the territory enhancement programs
  • fostering organizations and associations sharing goals consistent with the mark to join the territory enhancement programs
  • collaborating to support the creation of marks and program projects aiming at guaranteeing the high quality of the services/products supplied in the mark's area of reference, such as the programs "Po Confluenze Nord Ovest" and "Strada dei Colori e dei Sapori".

The Park authority is responsible and manager of the mark CollinaPo.
PDF Regulations to obtain the CollinaPo Mark license (168Kb)
PDF Form to require the license for the CollinaPo Mark (45Kb)

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