
Parco regionale del Matese



The Structures working in the Park

In Matese Regional Park there are three structures: CEA in Castello Matese, CEA in S. Lupo, CEDA in Piedimonte Matese, belonging to INFEA network of Regione Campania.
They have been entrusted the Park environmental education projects and most of the sensitization action in schools.
CEA in S. Lupo, led by the Legambiente section of "Valle telesina", manages a "Casa Natura" with 50 beds which, besides working as an information and environmental education center, welcomes voluntary work camps for environmental recovery, nature camps for young people, groups of students taking part in labs on the local rural culture. Moreover, hikes and guided visits are organized.
CEA in Castello Matese organizes guided visits along the Park trails which, beginning from the observation of the territory, become an occasion for environmental education experiences. Moreover, it organizes experimental labs where visitors have the opportunity to carry out multidisciplinary and multimedia activities.
CEDA, managed by the Legambiente section of Piedimonte M. and opened in 1997, is an Environmental Documentation Center offering information material and didactic tutoring to the several environmental education projects developed by local schools, in particular on protected areas. It coordinates the 13 schools of the area of Caserta joining Rete di Scuole Capaci di Futuro of Matese Park, active since 2000 and taking part in projects of Legambiente like Mappa del Tesoro, Tesori d'Italia and La scuola adotta un comune, as well as in days dedicated to environmental voluntary work, like Puliamo il Mondo and Operazione scuole pulite. CEDA has been organizing since two years, on the occasion of the European Day of Parks, a Didactic Exhibit on the "treasures" of Matese Park. Moreover, it collaborated in the school year 2003/04 to Atlante dei Tesori of the Province of Caserta, in which you can find several works by the schools joining the Park Network CdF.
Thanks to the collaboration of the Town of Piedimonte M., CE.D.A. is situated in the Municipal Library, where you can look at volumes, magazines, videos, exhibits on environmental issues; moreover, it is equipped with a multimedia hall to carry out researches on the Internet, working places for small groups, and a meeting hall with about 100 seats.

For information:
- CE.D.A. in Piedimonte Matese (CE) - Tel. and Fax +39 0823 543116 - mobile +39 328 9620905 - E-mail:
- C.E.A. in Castello Matese (CE) - mobile +39 338 9986286 - E-mail:
- C.E.A. in San Lupo (BN) - Tel. and Fax +39 0824 811064 - E-mail: - web:

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

The Structures working in the Park
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