
Parco regionale del Matese



The Matese area is covered by a network of already signaled and well-evidenced paths, with trail marks helping the visitors to follow them.
They mainly develop along the ancient network of plans and small sheep tracks of transhumance and give the opportunity to admire landscapes of rare beauty.
The works of recovery and maintenance have been mainly carried out by the C.A.I. section (Club Alpino Italiano) of Piedimonte Matese which, together with the Gruppo Escursionisti del Matese, the Gruppo Speleologico del Matese, and the Environmental Education Center lead the visitor to discover the nature, the landscape, and the history of this uncontaminated land.
Tours on horseback, by mountain bike, hypogeous tours, hang gliding and paragliding, climbing on rock and on ice, cross-country skiing are the opportunities offered to the tourists, besides interesting guided tours among folklore, history (remind that these are the places of brigandage), and nature.

Sentiero Italia

Among all the possible itineraries, we are going to describe the stretch of "Sentiero Italia" developing in the area of Matese. With its 6,000 km and 350 laps, it forms the longest trekking of the world, of considerable ideal and historical value, since it goes along paths used in the centuries.
It goes through the Matese area from the Municipality of Gioia Sannitica to the pass of Monte Crocelle (1,575m) at the border with the region of Molise.
Along the route you can visit the small medieval centers of the Park and their artistic features, use the old plans linked to the ancient sylvicultural-pastoral tradition, cross charming and thick woods, find waterfalls and springs in the high mountain with fountains and drinking troughs, reach the summit of Mt. Miletto (2,050m a.s.l.) which is the highest peak of the area and from which, if the sky is clear, you can see two stretches of sea (Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Sea).

Further Tours

Further tours can be carried out along the trails recommended by:

  • CAI, Section of Piedimonte Matese, and described in the guidebook: "Sentieri del Matese".
  • GEM, Gruppo Escursionisti del Matese, and described in the publication "Itinerari del Matese, escursioni e trekking"
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