Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli Park, after ups and downs and a long political, social, and cultural elaboration process (similar to the one of other national realities) was established with Legge Regionale Toscana n° 61 on 13th December 1979.
It was one of the first regional parks to be established and the second in Tuscany after Maremma Park (established in 1975). The Regional Law L.R. n. 61/79 established that the Nature Park enclosed the territory and area under its jurisdiction, setting the aims and marking its borders (art. 1 and 2). Art. 3 determined and established the Park Authority: in this way the Consortium "Consorzio del Parco Naturale Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli" was born, with the aim to temporarily manage and administer the Park.
(the following links lead to Italian texts)
The Park territory stretches along the coastal strip of the provinces of Pisa and Lucca, involving the Municipalities of Pisa, Viareggio, San Giuliano Terme, Vecchiano and Massarosa. The area was in the past covered by lagoons and marshes which have been gradually filled up with the detritus carried by the river Serchio and, more consistently, by the river Arno.