The particular geographical, geological, faunistic, and vegetational
aspects of the Park favor many activities in the open air. The main
activity is without a doubt the excursionism: every year thousands of
people go along the more than 120 Km long thick path network, with the
"Sentiero Italia" and the "Sentiero Europa 1".
Gliding (hang gliding and paragliding) can be practiced in Monte Cucco, thanks to the favorable ascending currents.
The huge and fascinating subterranean world of Monte Cucco gives the
possibility to practice speleology, while the considerable presence of
superficial and subterranean waters running through the gorges and
ravines give the possibility to practice canyoning.
Moreover, it is possible to practice cross-country skiing in Pian delle
Macinare, sport fishing along the river Sentino and the stream Rio
Freddo, mountain-bike and horse riding excursionism along the several
Moreover, the whole Park, thanks to the great environmental variety is
a very important place to practice environmental education.