
Parco Regionale Agricolo del Monte Netto


Protected Area

Identity Card

  • Land Surface Area: 1'470.69 ha
  • Regions: Lombardia
  • Provinces: Brescia
  • Municipalities: Capriano del Colle, Flero, Poncarale
  • Establishment Measures: Legge Regionale n. 11 08/06/2007

Altimetry features: minimum height 87.20m asl - maximum height 133m asl

Park Authority: Consorzio del Parco Agricolo Regionale del Monte Netto.
The main tasks of the Consortium are: the safeguard of biodiversity and the precious naturalistic features; the safeguard of the morphological structures and the geomorphological features; the safeguard and enhancement of the landscape, and the historical and cultural heritage; the promotion of the quality agricultural and wine-growing activities linked to a sustainable use of natural resources; the promotion of cultural, educational, and recreational activities. The Consortium includes the Municipalities of Capriano del Colle (with a 40% section calculated according to the people and the surface area), Poncarale (35%), and Flero (25%).



The Park

Montenetto Park was established by Regione Lombardia in 2007 according to the suggestion coming from the Municipalities of Capriano del Colle, Flero, and Poncarale.
Montenetto Park lies in the territory of the Municipalities of Capriano del Colle, Flero, and Poncarale and covers 1,470 ha, out of which 1,155 ha in the hilly area of Montenetto, on a mainly private property.
Among the aims of Montenetto Park there are:

  • the safeguard of biodiversity, precious naturalistic elements, and overall environmental balance of the area
  • the promotion of the local agricultural and wine growing activities
  • the safeguard and enhancement of the landscape-cultural features, historical evidences, structures, and rural settlements.

The territory is characterized by forests, vineyards with specific cultivations, river systems and drinking trough network, historical town centers, and historical farmsteads.



From a naturalistic point of view, Capriano Woodland (or "delle Colombaie") represents the local feature of main interest. Its importance is recognized at a national level, also considering the size of the arboreal specimens growing in it, which form a strip of the forest vegetation dominating the Po Plain in the past. In the remaining sections, the presence of natural vegetation is mainly localized in the valleys of the small watercourses; further residual formations can be found in the mountains of the upper section (Castagnari Woodland).
The presence of oak specimens of considerable size can be found in particular at Gilii farmstead and in the area of the quarry in the south of Torrazza farmstead. There are two specimens of monumental Pedunculate Oak situated along the road leading from Poncarale to Capriano.
The plain, transformed from agricultural practices, is poor in spontaneous vegetation localizing above all in the uncultivated fields and in the wetlands.



The most recent official surveys on the birds in the area highlight the important role played by Mt. Netto with its 72 species, out of which 27 nesting species, considering that the total number of wintering bird species is 164, not including the species introduced for hunting or ornamental purposes.

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