By Car
- A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway follows the Park perimeter on its northern and eastern sides. The best exits to take are:
- Battipaglia,
if you want to reach the coastal area from Agropoli to Palinuro;
Campagna, Sicignano and Petina to reach Alburni Mountains;
- Sala Consilina and Padula to reach the Cervati area;
- Padula to reach the coastal area from Policastro to Marina di Camerota.
Ordinary Roads:
- the SS
road 18 Tirrena inferiore, which will soon become a highway, goes from
Agropoli to Policastro across Vallo della Lucania;
- the Alburni SS road 166 crosses latitudinally the Park from San Rufo to Capaccio Vecchio;
- the Cilento SS road 267 follows the coast from Agropoli to Velia, and it joins afterwards the 447 of Palinuro.
By Train
Railway Stations:
- Napoli-Salerno-Reggio Calabria railway line covers the whole Park coastal area, while Battipaglia-Lagonegro railway line runs along the northern slope of Alburni Mountains.
© 2025 - Ente Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni