
Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni


The Park Tour Guides

The Park Tour Guides lead hikers and ecotourists along ancient trails to discover uncontaminated places and the very rich natural and cultural heritage of this huge protected area. The Tour Guides give the opportunity to safely explore the whole territory together with people who live the Park every day.

Official and Exclusive Tour Guides of Cilento National Park

Pertosa Caves
Pertosa Caves

The Park Museum Network

From Roccagloriosa to Moio della Civitella: The Park Museum Network

After Roccagloriosa, Moio della Civitella - one of the most charming archeological sites of the inner part of Cilento - enlarges the Park Museum Network: over 20 little structures representing the local culture and civilization.
The presence of settlements on Moio della Civitella hill since the late 6th century BC is documented by some pottery fragments that have been found in the area; however, the construction of imposing city walls begins at about the half of the 4th century BC. These walls were articulated in order to make the area inaccessible by enclosing the hill on three sides, while the fourth was naturally protected by the overhanging rock.
Civitella ancient center mainly flourished between the 4th and 2nd century BC, when the arrival of the Romans led to the sudden disappearance of the scattered settlements and to the depopulation of the countryside. Whether these settlements worked as a defence mechanism of the territory around Velia or as a widespread form of settlement of the people from the ancient Lucania when they conquered Poseidonia remains an open question.
The inauguration of the Archeological Park by Salerno Archaeological Department in association with the Park is without a doubt another step towards the rediscovery and inclusion in the World Heritage List of one of the Mediterranean areas which - according to the May-June issue of the magazine Oasis - has been concealed too long. "Those who plunge their hands in the coffer of this immense Park (181 thousand ha, which become 320 thousand ha if we consider the adjoining areas, with 95 Municipalities and 320 thousand inhabitants) will be shocked by the number and the quality of the treasures which nature and history liberally give us".

The Park Museum Network
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