Environmental Education in the Park
Among the various aims of a protected area there are the dissemination of the knowledge and respect towards the environment. These aims are pursued through environmental education activities.
- GENS Project
Since 2001, Agenzia Regionale per i Parchi has promoted an Environmental Education project dedicated to the schools situated in the Park territory at a regional level, in order to give the operators the opportunity to work in all the protected areas of Lazio.
In particular, the project has given the pupils involved the opportunity to discover and love their own territory becoming over the years "Piccole Guide", "Guide Esperte" and, finally, "Ragazzi del Parco". Over the years, thousands of kids and hundreds of teachers have been involved in this project. Teachers have also received training in order to further develop the project. - Guided Visits
Since the Park establishment, both the Park Keepers and in many occasions other experts working in the Park Offices (agronomist, geologist, naturalist, etc.) organize guided visits dedicated to children and adults so that they can discover and appreciate the Park beauties.
Further information
Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)