
Riserva Naturale Alta Valle del Tevere - Monte Nero



Itineraries in the Nature Reserve

The trail network of the Nature Reserve leaves from the building Le Gualanciole. It explores the southern section of the protected area; moreover, from here you can reach Gualanciole Pass along CAI trail no. 059 coming from Valsavignone, and head then for Poggio Tre Vescovi and Mt. Nero along the trails of the G.E.A. (Grande Escursione Appenninica), corresponding in this stretch with CAI trail no. 50, crossing the Nature Reserve and connecting it with La Verna. CAI trail no. 091 connects loc. Canili, along Strada Tiberina, with the ridge.
The Nature Reserve is crossed by the horse-riding trail going from Casentino to Sasso di Simone and has a stop for horses in Le Gualanciole.

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