
Riserva Naturale delle Baragge

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Gullies in Baraggia (photo by RR Baragge)
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Heather in bloom in Baraggia (photo by RR Baragge)
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Baraggia - moorland landscape (photo by RR Baragge)

Large Grasslands and Moorlands Alternating with Isolated Trees and Small Valleys Covered with Woodlands

The landscape of Baragge stands out for its simplicity and balance between spaces and shapes; it seems without borders, endless. An environment which sometimes is extremely like the African savannah. These places are housed by the high plains of Biella, Vercelli, and Novara, characteristic large plateaus with altitudes between 150 and 340m. Riserva Naturale Orientata delle Baragge has been established in order to safeguard the last intact stretches of Baraggia, to requalify and enhance the local agricultural activities, and to ensure the correct exploitation of the area. The Park Authority offers the service of guided visits; there are particular activities for children, based on game or adventure; moreover, you can experiment the search for gold along the stream Elvo. Several and tested environmental education didactic projects are available for schools, summer centers, and groups of children.

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  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 3'980.27 ha
Provinces: BI, NO, VC
Establishment: 2009
  • Emporio dei Parchi - Acquisti online Riserva Naturale delle Baragge
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