
Riserva Naturale delle Baragge



Environmental Education and Guided Visits

Proposals for the School Year 2012/2013

Guided Visits
The following activities are half-day activities and, if you like, can be combined to cover the whole day. Activities in Bessa can be completed with a visit to the Ecomuseum of Gold and Bessa, situated in Vermogno di Zubiena country hamlet.

  • Participation fee includes: naturalistic tour guide service and material on the Protected Areas.
  • Useful information: for all the activities, it is recommended to wear comfortable clothes including trekking shoes, k-way, cap, and waterflask. In particular, for the gold search you should wear rubber boots, while for the night tour you should bring electric torch. During the summer, it is advisable to use insect repellents.

Participation fee

  • Half-day guided visit: Euros 130.00 for groups of max. 30 participants
  • Full-day guided visit: Euros 180.00 for groups of max. 30 participants
  • Guided visit with trip on Viverone Lake: only for the activity "Dall'oro alle palafitte", Euros 130.00 for groups of max. 30 participants plus extra charge of Euros 3.00/person for the boat ticket
  • For the gold search, extra charge of Euros 50.00/group, plus the cost of the half-day or full-day guided visit.

Environmental Education Projects
Environmental education projects are dedicated to kindergartens, first and second grade primary schools, and secondary schools. They include classroom meetings, tours in the chosen protected area, and practical activities. The participation fee includes didactic material. No more than 28 pupils for each group or class joining the projects.

For information and bookings: Ente di Gestione Aree Protette Baragge-Bessa-Brich - Via Crosa, 1 - 13882 Cerrione (BI) - Tel. +39 015 677276 - +39 015 2587028 - Telefax +39 015 2587904 - E-mail:

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Orienteering race
Orienteering race
A journey in the world of senses
A journey in the world of senses
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