
Riserva Naturale delle Baragge



Found 12 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
Canestrelli Biellesi are confectionery products formed by two wafer sheets filled in with a chocolate cream. The main ingredients of the wafer sheet are wheat and corn flour, sugar, butter, eggs, salt, and leaven; some confectioners also add vanilla,...
Category: Sweets
Thin pancakes made with corn flour, used in the past as bread. They are thin and crunchy rectangles (about 14x20cm) of corn flour cooked on special slabs, heated on fire for a long time. The main ingredients are corn flour, wheat flour, water, oil, eggs,...
Category: Sweets
Maccagno has been named after the homonymous valley-summer mountain pasture in Valsesia (VC). It is a characteristic summer mountain cheese made with raw and whole cow's milk. It is a large round, with uniform rind, smooth and flexible; smooth and...
Category: Cheese
Toma Biellese is obtained from cow's milk, especially from the Pezzata Rossa d'Oropa breed. The weight of the rounds varies and the rounds have a concave side. The evening milk - undergoing skimming - is mixed with the morning milk and, afterwards,...
Category: Cheese
Bramaterra wine is produced in some Municipalities of the Province of Vercelli with Nebbiolo, Croatina, Vespolina, and Bonarda grapes. This wine has a garnet red color with orange-colored reflections weakening with time; its perfume is characteristic,...
Category: Wine
Color from golden yellow to dark amber; ethereal and delicate perfume, characteristic; sweet, harmonious, full and velvety taste. It is obtained with a long process including grape harvesting and its transport on the back - not to affect its quality -...
Category: Wine
Coste della Sesia wine is produced on the hills facing the river Sesia, in the territory of some Municipalities in the Provinces of Vercelli and Biella. The designation Coste della Sesia with no vine specification is reserved to red or rosé wines,...
Category: Wine
This wine is obtained with the grapes of Erbaluce vine cultivated in a limited wine-growing area based in the Municipality of Caluso (Turin) and extending to the Province of Vercelli. It is a bright wine with a straw-yellow color and a winey, fine, and...
Category: Wine
It has a pale straw-color, light and fading froth, fine and persistent perlage; delicate and characteristic perfume; dry, cool, fruity, and characteristic taste.
Category: Wine
Gattinara is a wine known since centuries, but with a rather limited production. It has a garnet red color tending to orange, a fine perfume recalling the violet especially if it is aged, and a dry and harmonious taste, with a characteristic slightly...
Category: Wine
Ghemme comes from the grapes of Nebbiolo vines (for at least the 75%), as well as Vespolina and Bonarda Novarese, and is produced in the homonymous Municipality and in the Municipality of Romagnano Sesia, in the Province of Novara. It has a garnet red...
Category: Wine
Lessona wine is produced in the hills of the homonymous Municipality in the Province of Vercelli, and is obtained from Nebbiolo grapes. It has a garnet red color with orange-colored reflections if aged, a characteristic perfume recalling the violet, and...
Category: Wine
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