
Piante e tradizione popolare ad Acquapendente

This volume includes a series of information on the most common uses of plants in the area of Acquapendente: it is the result of a survey carried out by interviewing the elderly living in the area for a long time, in order to document what's left of the historical memory regarding the plants and their local uses.
Such information has been integrated with further data on the origin of scientific and dialect names, on curiosities regarding the plants, as well as with technical information for their correct recognition.
About 80 botanical tables describe the use of the local spontaneous and cultivated flora in cooking, agriculture, religion, and rites. Some popular medicine practices are also described.
  • Series: I quaderni del Museo del Fiore - N° 2
  • Author/s: Paolo Maria Guarrera, Gianluca Forti, Silvia Marignoli, Gianfranco Gelsomini
  • Year: 2004
  • Price: 8.00 €  
Piante e tradizione popolare ad Acquapendente
Piante e tradizione popolare ad Acquapendente
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