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At Christmas, in the Municipality of Acquapendente, there is the tradition to prepare imbriachelle, whose name comes from the glass of wine which is added to the mixture. There are no written documents giving us the opportunity to date exactly the beginning...
Category: Sweets
St Anthony Biscuit
St Anthony Biscuit is a sweet bread, shaped in a big plait and produced according to very ancient recipes handed down by word of mouth from mother to daughter. According to a manuscript, the tradition dates back to 1588: the celebration was organized...
Category: Sweets
Tozzetti Viterbesi
Trapezoid or rhomb-shaped biscuits based on toasted hazelnuts. They are made with the hazelnuts of the local cultivar "Tonda gentile romana" produced in the Viterbese area which, thanks to their organoleptic properties, enhance the confectionery products....
Category: Sweets
Monte Rufeno Honey
Monte Rufeno honey is produced within Monte Rufeno Nature Reserve and has been classified by the Bee-keeping National Institute in Bologna as Miele millefiori (mixed flower honey, in the specific case made of forest and undergrowth flowers). Given the...
Category: Honey
Monte Rufeno Extra-virgin Olive Oil
Monte Rufeno extra-virgin olive oil derives from the pressing of the olives harvested in the olive groves within Monte Rufeno Nature Reserve. The olive groves are situated in different points of the protected area, near some farmsteads where people used...
Category: Oil
Quality Brands:
BIO - Organic Farming
Gradoli Purgatory Bean
Gradoli Purgatory Bean is a fresh alimentary product cultivated in the homonymous Municipality (80%) and currently also in a part of the Municipality of Acquapendente (20%). The local variety of the bean is cultivated in the territory from time immemorial,...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Onano Lentil
Onano Lentil is a leguminous plant produced within the homonymous Municipality and in a limited adjacent area with the same soil features. This cultivation boasts a very ancient tradition and was already mentioned in the document "Ordini, statuti, leggi...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Pearl Barley
This product has the organic farming certification. Barley is one of the most ancient plants used for alimentary purposes and the most resistant cereal species to cultivation and seasonal shortages. Carina variety is considered to be the most appropriate...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Solco Dritto Chick-pea from Valentano
Solco Dritto Chick-pea (literally, "straight furrow chick-pea") is a leguminous plant cultivated in a limited area within the Municipalities of Valentano and Acquapendente. Its name derives from a rural tradition of the Municipality of Valentano called...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Upper Viterbese Potato
The Upper Viterbese Potato is a fresh product. It comes from the northern area of Bolsena Lake. The production area is geographically delimited by the Municipalities of Grotte di Castro, S. Lorenzo Nuovo, Gradoli, Latera, Bolsena, Onano, Valentano, and...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Verdolino Aquesiano Bean
Verdolino bean is a traditional legume of Upper Tuscia. The seed of this local ecotype is reproduced in the few holdings still cultivating it. It is sown in the first half of May and the harvest takes place between mid-May and the first days of August....
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Yellow Bean or Stubble Bean
This legume has always characterized the diet of the people living on the northern side of Bolsena Lake, in particular of those living in the Municipality of San Lorenzo Nuovo, since it represented for them the main source of vegetal proteins. The volcanic...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) is a wheat variety belonging to the Gramineae family, also called "paddy wheat" since, after threshing, the caryopsis is still covered by the glumes and lemmas. Therefore, to be used, emmer wheat must be cleaned in order...
Category: Rice Pasta and Cereals
Capocollo or Loin
Cold cut with a weight varying between 1.2 to 2 kg, with a red color, white streaks, and cylindrical shape. The processing includes the cut cleaning, salting and flavoring with salt, pepper, garlic, and eventually chilli pepper and nutmeg. Before the...
Category: Cold Cuts
Coppa Viterbese
Coppa Viterbese, produced with the pork neck, boasts a very ancient tradition: as a matter of fact, it was mentioned in the "Butchers' Statute" already in 1384. This product is usually called coppa, but, in order to distinguish it with the cold cut...
Category: Cold Cuts
Dry Aromatic Pork Sausages
Dry aromatic sausages are obtained from the processing of the lean side, loin, ham, and shoulder leftovers. They are often seasoned with pepper, fennel, chopped garlic, and coriander. Of course, the mixture varies from area to area. The product has a...
Category: Cold Cuts
Dry Pork Sausages
Dry pork sausages derive from the processing of loin, shoulder, and ham leftovers, as well as from side processing. The main flavorings used for the product seasoning are chilli peppers, chopped garlic, pepper, fennel, nutmeg, etc. The maturing period...
Category: Cold Cuts
Guanciale consists of the pig's jowl lard. It has a triangular shape and a red color with white or rosy streaks given to the lard stratum. It is usually produced all year long, while homemade productions take place only in winter. It has a variable...
Category: Cold Cuts
Lombetto (or Loin)
Lombetto, also called small loin, is obtained from the muscles of the lower back area of the pig. This product consists of low-fat meat: as a matter of fact, fat gets removed from the pig's muscles, which also get edged in order to obtain a cylinder...
Category: Cold Cuts
Porchetta Viterbese
Porchetta is a pig bred in the wild and cooked in the oven. The breeding method is very important, since it influences the consistency and taste of the meat. Before cooking, the meat is cleaned and often boned, to be flavored with pepper, salt, garlic,...
Category: Cold Cuts
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