
Yellow Bean or Stubble Bean

This legume has always characterized the diet of the people living on the northern side of Bolsena Lake, in particular of those living in the Municipality of San Lorenzo Nuovo, since it represented for them the main source of vegetal proteins. The volcanic origin of the soils has given the opportunity to obtain a quality product characterized by a particularly easy cooking and fine organoleptic properties (sweet taste). The fruit was mainly eaten dry. The legume used to be sown exclusively in the third ten-day period of June, after the wheat harvesting. For this reason, it has been called "second bean", because produced with the second harvesting, or "stubble bean", because it was sown on the recently processed wheat stubbles.

Yellow Bean or Stubble Bean
Yellow Bean or Stubble Bean
The Producers
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Acquapendente (VT)
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