
Riserva Statale integrale Montagna di Torricchio (Oasi Affiliata WWF)


Educational and Didactic Activities

Torricchio Nature Reserve aims first of all at scientific research; for this reason, it is not open to the public and there are no specific visiting structures, even if the visitors can enter it by going along the roads where the access is authorized. This protected area can be considered a lab in the open air for several researchers; in it, stages and didactic practice for the students of the scientific Departments of the University of Camerino are carried out; the students can also carry out here their researches for the degree thesis.
Torricchio and Bosco Siro Negri Nature Reserves of the University of Pavia, for the preservation of a stretch of 6 hectares of riparian forests along the river Ticino, are unique cases of protected areas in Italy managed by the University.
The Nature Reserve has become part of the courses on Vegetable Ecology and Conservation of Nature and its Resources, both as far as practice and exemplified use of the achieved methods and results are concerned.

Use of the protected area, environmental education and interpretation                                    

Activities directly linked to scientific research and its relative didactics are currently carried out in the area.
The aim is to introduce also an educational and didactic use of the reserve by starting a program involving schools, universities, and means of communication with special programs for groups (naturalists, photographers, university students, etc.).

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

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© 2025 - Università di Camerino, School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine - Plant Diversity and Ecosystems Management Unit