
Riserva Statale integrale Montagna di Torricchio (Oasi Affiliata WWF)

Points of Interest


Municipality of Visso

  • Collegiata di Santa Maria
    It has a Romanesque-Gothic style. It is enriched by a wonderful façade.

  • Museum and Art Gallery
    The works of art gathered here are very interesting, since they come from the churches of the territory of Visso.

  • Macereto Sanctuary
    It is a building of exceptional architectonic interest; it was built on the bramantesco model by Giovan Battista from Lugano.

Town Museum and Art Gallery

Municipality of Visso

Piazza Martiri Vissani - Visso - Tel. 0737/95200
The Museum-Art Gallery was established by Ado Venanzangeli, Mayor of Visso in 1972, in order to stop the stealing of works of art from the Churches of the municipal territory.
The collection has been placed in the Church of Sant'Agostino, built around the year 1340 in Gothic style, with a charming tricuspidate façade, rose window, and ogival portal with mullions. The seat has been granted by the Administration of the Sanctuary of Macereto. As a matter of fact, the collection is part of its heritage, and the Museum will be ampliated in the near monastery. Open to the public since 1983, it consists of more than two hundred works of art coming from the Churches scattered in the country wards, and only partly belonging to the Town: they are an interesting excursus in the art and culture of the Alto Nera, from the 13th to the 18th century.
Of particular interest some wooden statues, among which the Madonna di Fermatre, dating back to 1140; a Crucifix of the 14th century; the Madonna di Macereto of the 15th century, some silver crosses dating back from 14th to 18th century. Among the paintings, frescoes by Paolo from Visso (not. 1431 - 1481) and Madonna col Bambino, Santa Margherita e Angeli by Orazio Gentileschi (about 1563 - 1638 or '46).



Municipality of Pievetorina

  • Sant'Angelo in Prefoglio Hermitage Sanctuary
    The small church was built at the entrance of the cave in which, according to the tradition, the Saints Pietro and Paolo stopped.

  • Santa Maria in Carpineto Sanctuary

  • Santa Maria in Caspriano di Casavecchia Sanctuary
    The sanctuary is surrounded by woods in an area which is interesting for its landscape.

'Museo della nostra terra'

Municipality of Pievetorina

Via S. Agostino, 1 - Pievetorina - Tel. 0737/518032 (Museum) - 0737/51202 (Town Hall)
"Museo della nostra terra" is dedicated to the agricultural and breeding activities and represents the life and the work of the high hills and mountains of Macerata. It is situated within the 15th century S. Agostino Monastery, but it seems to be in a rural village suspended in time. More than five thousand objects and tools are displayed in model environments representing the farmhouse and the workshop (barn, cellar, room, school, weaving and stock rearing hall, the labs of the cooper, of the shoemaker, etc.) and inserted in a collective social history following the earth's cycles. It is a unique collection completed with a considerable documentation in texts and pictures. The Mulino del Fiume, detached seat of the Museum, is a characteristic 18th century building with a small lake and a lock which is still working with its original mechanisms: it is a great witness of the ancient processing of the floury substances.


'Chiesa di San Giovanni' Art Gallery

Municipality of Pievetorina

Via XX Settembre - Pievetorina - Tel. 0737/518045 (Parish Church) - 0737/51308 (Responsible person)
San Giovanni Church has been housing the art gallery since 1985, when the building was used again after years of abandonment and negligence. The Church seems to date back to 1603 when it was attached to the Basilica Lateranense and had two altars; in 1724 the feast of San Giovanni was celebrated in it with a solemn rite; in 1821 it was used as town cementery; after 10 years the portal was closed and moved on the southern side for the change of the road axis. The Church has a wide circular apse, truss roof and façade built with local stones. Among the many works of art of the Art Gallery, there are some altar pieces coming from the destroyed Churches of Pomarolo and of San Teodora; a Madonna col Bambino, Angeli e Santi di Girolamo Andrea De Magistris (att. 1529-55) and, of great importance for the study of the origins of the painting school camerinese, a cycle of frescoes dating back to the second half of the 14th century, removed from the Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta.



Municipality of Monte Cavallo

  • Cerreto Church
    Crucifixion and Madonna by A. De Magistris

  • S. Michele Arcangelo Church

  • Parish Church
    Cross in silver foils, 15th century.

  • Parish Church S. Niccolò
    Cross in golden copper, 14th century. Fresco S. Sebastiano, 15th century. Other frescoes can be seen on the apse walls, 15th-16th centuries.

  • San Benedetto Church
    It was in the past a Benedictine abbey. Beautiful Romanesque portal in rose-coloured limestone and belltower; copper cross, 14th century. Fresco in the apse and ancient organ.

  • Santa Maria Assunta Church
    Cross in golden copper, 16th century and some paintings. A few rests of the ancient church.
    Owner: the Municipality.
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