
Visitor Center of Pigelleto Nature Reserve

Loc. La Direzione, 2
53025 Piancastagnaio (SI)
Municipality: Piancastagnaio
Region: Toscana

Tel. 0577/788004 - Fax 0577/788004
"La Direzione" Visitor Center is the first information point where you can find material and information on the territory and, in particular, on the nature reserve system of the Province of Siena.
Surrounded by cool and shady forests, the Center housed in the past the administrative offices of the nearby mining areas.
The structure develops on three floors: the first floor houses the administrative offices, the classrooms, and the labs; the second floor houses the rooms, and the basement the kitchen, the dining-room, and the conference room. The structure can welcome a total of about 60 guests.
It belongs to the environmental education center network of Tuscany and collaborates with many other local structures: Monte Amiata Wildlife Center, Semproniano Wildlife Recovery Center, Amiata Mining Museum, etc.
It offers several proposals, among which naturalistic tours, the mines and local history, study and classification of mushrooms and medicinal herbs, workshops, and nights dedicated to astronomical observation activities.
Thanks to the project "Università in Riserva", the Center collaborates with several Italian and foreign universities to house study camps and research activities.

For information: Pigelleto Visitor Center - Loc. La Direzione, 2 - 53025 Piancastagnaio (SI) - Tel. and Fax +39 0577 788004 - mobile +39 349 7867666 - - E-mail:

Visitor Center of Pigelleto Nature Reserve
Visitor Center of Pigelleto Nature Reserve
Visitor Center of Pigelleto Nature Reserve
Visitor Center of Pigelleto Nature Reserve
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