
Parco Intercomunale delle Colline Carniche



Didactic Proposals 2010/2011

"Sulle tracce del passato"
Since 2006, the municipal administration of Villa Santina together with the local schools promotes the historical-archaeological didactic project "Sulle tracce del passato".
Planned by the experts dott. Cecchini Sergio and dott.ssa Chiara Magrini.

The project involves the 4th and 5th classes of the elementary school and the 1st class of the middle school, for a total of 100 pupils for each school year.
The aim is to promote the knowledge of the local heritage through a gradual route going from archaeological methodology to the study of the local archaeological sites, through lessons, trips, and workshops. As a matter of fact, the activities have been included in the school program and are adapted to the program of each class. The heart of the project consists of the visit to Col Santino and Zuca archaeological sites, where children will discover their archaeological heritage. Thanks to the project, the enhancement of the sites has also been achieved. During the school year 2008-09, the pupils from the middle school focused on the organization of an exhibit dedicated to Col Santino archaeological site. In particolar, for the late ancient stage of the possible castrum of Ibligo, the pupils reconstructed a house of the castrum, with some furnishing inside and some display cases containing the finds coming from the stores of Cividale National Archaeological Museum.
In the same school year, the schools from Lauco developed an interesting route focusing on the Celts and Mt. Sorantri archaeological site.
For the school year 2009-10, we would also like to develop an ambitious project, reorganizing together with middle schools the excavation finds coming from Invillino archaeological sites.

"Vacanze Europa"
Initiative born in 1989 from the will of a group of teachers and operators who chose to join their professional knowledge and organize for the summer holidays a complementary pedagogical program aiming at the cultural growth of the students. The summer programs are held in Lignano Sabbiadoro with an international summer camp and in Invillino di Villa Santina with a mountain stay.

Given the success of the summer programs, our staff suggests to schools a didactic program during the school year held in Invillino di Villa Santina and addressed to primary and secondary school, first and second grade.
Since January 2007, you can find the didactic project "Scopri Vivi Diffondi" on, the site of school and family tourism created and managed by Istituto Comprensivo in Tavagnacco and supported by Regione FVG, the Province of Udine, CRUP Foundation, and recognized by the Regional School Head Office.
All our offers comply with the rules in force. For particular aims and for the suggested contents, we obtained in the year 2000 the Ministerial Recognition and we are recognized by Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia awarding us the label of the Regional Tourism Agency "Ospiti di Gente Unica".

Vacanze Europa - via Rosseli, 16 - 33010 Osoppo (UD) web: - E-mail: - Tel. +39 0432 416256 - Fax +39 0432 975746
In charge of the project: Querini Andrea +39 335 7851115

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Archaeological finds in Col di Zuca - Villa Santina
Archaeological finds in Col di Zuca - Villa Santina
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