
Parco Intercomunale delle Colline Carniche


Protected Area

Identity Card

  • Land Surface Area: 1'907.00 ha
  • Regions: Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Provinces: Udine
  • Municipalities: Enemonzo, Lauco, Raveo, Villa Santina
  • Establishment Measures: Giunta Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia n. 2885 17/09/1999 - approvazione ampliamento in corso



Colline Carniche Park

It covers an area of about 1,907 hectares; out of them, about 188 are in the Municipality of Villa Santina; 685 in the Municipality of Enemonzo; 505 in the Municipality of Lauco, and 529 in the Municipality of Raveo.
Parco Intercomunale delle Colline Carniche, born according to L.R. 42/96 (art. 6), has been officially established with a decision of Giunta Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia no. 2858 of 17th September 1999.
This Park is situated in the mountain section of Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia called Carnia, in the province of Udine, exactly in the area situated between the confluence of the stream Degano with river Tagliamento.
The Park is named after the gentle series of hills characterizing it, exposed to the sun and covered with meadows and woodlands.
The territory also includes one of the largest and most fertile plains of Carnia, and plays an important role as crossroads between the two SS roads, one leading to Upper Val Tagliamento and Cadore, the other to Canale di Gorto.
The nearest towns are Villa Santina, Invillino, Enemonzo and its country hamlets, Raveo, and Esemon di Sopra, Lauco with the inhabitants of Trava, Allegnids, Avaglio, Buttea, Vinaio.

Photo by Colline Carniche Park

Geological Evolution

The name "Colline Carniche" derives not only from the altimetric strip, but without a doubt also from the gentle morphology of the area involved by the Park.
Even if the municipal territories of Enemonzo and Villa Santina reach the steep northern slopes of Mt. lovinzola (1,868m) and Raveo stretches out towards north-west up to Col Gentile (2,075m), the highest summit of the area, the most important environmental area leading to the Park establishment is situated at the valley bottoms and in the inner areas of the overlooking slopes.

Photo by Geological Evolution

Archaeology and History

Historical Features

The interpretation of the evidences and historical remains will give the opportunity to carry out a thorough analysis of the territory: areas of archaeological interest, some of which have already been brought back to light (Monte Sorantri and Cuel Budin in Raveo, the tombs of Lauco and Chiauians, while some sites have been located according to some isolated finds like Fieria small treasure in Enemonzo, Monte Quas in Raveo, and different areas of Lauco). We should not forget the religious evidences represented by structures of great historical and artistic value like the Hermitage of Monte Castellano in Raveo and the Sanctuaries dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Raveo and Trava di Lauco, as well as "minor" buildings (smaller from an architectural point of view). The rural culture expressed in the building techniques of the trails, in the rural buildings, and in the creation of agricultural landscapes, finds several evidences within the Park. A careful analysis of the territory has highlighted specific places, areas, routes of historical interest that are still preserved in order to maintain the identity of the places: Country Churches (Sant'Ilario and Taziano in Enemonzo, Santa Maria Maddalena in Invillino di Villa Santina), Sanctuaries dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Madonna di Monte Castellano in Raveo, Madonna del Sasso, Madonna del Ponte in Villa Santina, Madonna di Trava in Lauco), the parish churches having an "influence radius" that may correspond with the parish church perimeter. Vie Crucis, rogation routes, and votive processions in general are particular routes which do not always bear evident traces along the roads, but give hints of the relations existing between different places which may be not that evident.

Archaeological finds in Col di Zuca - Villa Santina
Archaeological finds in Col di Zuca - Villa Santina

Flora and Vegetation

Nature and the Park Areas

The Park is characterized by interesting and beautiful naturalistic and floristic aspects you can easily discover thanks to the presence of the trail network and the naturalistic itineraries with a great biodiversity. As a matter of fact, in a luminous woodland it is possible to observe several species, some of them typical of the lake environments and others of dry places and to appreciate an uncontaminated and charming nature for its colors and perfumes. The strategic places of the Park represent the departure and arrival points of various routes: they have been thought as stop places for tourists and reference points for local people. You can reach them by any means of transport; they can be recognized easily thanks to the signals and also house restaurants and shops selling agricultural products.
The four main strategic places are: Villa Santina Pinewood, departure point of various trails branching off towards the town of Enemonzo (to discover Clap Foràt and the plain), or towards Invillino. The floristic heritage you can admire in spring makes the pinewood a showcase of perfumes and colors that only nature can offer. In the pinewood you will find a manège where you can practice horse therapy, a large and equipped sports field, a small lake where you can practice sports fishing, and a refreshment point. The strategic point in Raveo is represented by the area of the stream Chiarzò. Here three different itineraries leave from the sports field; the first one leads from the town of Raveo to Cuel Budin and Cuel di Nuvolae; the second trail climbs Mt. Colza to get to Valdie and Pani; the third trail climbs to Plan di Cès Sanctuary and then continues towards Mt. Sorantri.
The strategic place in Enemonzo is the green plain with the area dedicated to sailing flight and provided with games for children and a large parking area where you can leave your car and take the trail leading to Clap Foràt. In this area there is a refreshment point where you can taste the typical dishes of the traditional cuisine of Carnia.
The strategic point in Lauco is represented by Porteal area, with its equipped sports area housing important events - not only sports events - where itineraries leading you to discover the naturalistic and landscape beauties of the country hamlets of the plateau leave.

Photo by Flora and VegetationPhoto by Flora and Vegetation
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