
Parco Intercomunale delle Colline Carniche


Villa Santina Pinewood

Despite its great environmental value, this area in not very known. It was also described at the beginning of the century by Michele Gortani: "In the area of the Pine Wood it is frequent to see trees of the two resinous species growing together: Spruce Fir and Scots Pine; except in the westernmost section, near T. Degano, dominated by Scots Pine.
Within it, but only in some limited areas, there are pure Fir woods or only Pines; sometimes the two main arboreal species grow together with groups of Acacia, Ash, or Manna Ash, more rarely with groups of Alders or a few Lime trees, rarely Oaks and Poplars; almost never the Willows reach over the meter of height.
Slight environmental changes are enough to create the conditions for the development of undergrowth rich in flora, otherwise the floristic species remain rather limited.
Fortunately, these changes are frequent, and depend on various factors: natural clearings, the recent cutting of the older plants, the presence of water canals, the clayey soil, the proximity to the bed of river Tagliamento, etc... These conditions and the fact that the whole area is crossed by paths and trails going in every direction enable a considerable freedom of movement and an interesting floristic presence" (G. De Prato, "la flora del Parco").

Province: Udine Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Villa Santina Pinewood
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