The establishment aims of Gran Bosco Park do not only include the safeguard and conservation of the territory, but also the promotion and improvement of the life conditions of the local people and the enhancement of agricultural and breeding activities. Every summer, hundred heads of cows and sheep migrate to the summer mountain pastures and graze in the high-mountain pastures of the Park territory (Randuin, le Selle, Seu, Laune, Arguel, and Assietta) where butter and toma cheese are produced. Moreover, the Park Authority has been directly committed for years to the organic production of mountain potatoes and to the experimentation and subsequent production of top-quality mountain honey. Among the Park Municipalities, Chiomonte and Exilles house on their sunny slopes the highest European vineyards, important examples of environmental enhancement and rehabilitation. On the terraced areas stolen from the mountains with hard work, rare autochthonous vines are cultivated, from which wines with particular organoleptic features like Valsusa DOC and the famous Vino del ghiaccio are obtained.