

The itineraries we are going to suggest to you in these web pages are just a small part of the ones you can find in the area of Sasso Simone e Simoncello Park. Most of the described paths are signalled and numbered by the CAI.
You will also find maps showing the detailed itineraries we are going to propose to you in the seat of the park, in Ponte Cappuccini Visitor Center as well as in the Pro Loco (local tourist board) and in tourist offices.
The park of Sasso Simone e Simoncello also includes a firing ground. The access to this area can be forbidden in case of military training. For this reason, it is always advisable to ask if military training is going to be held. The access to the firing ground is free when military training does not take place. In this case the perimeter of the firing ground is entirely guarded and surrounded. In summer, the military training does never take place.
These itineraries are not very difficult. Some of them, the longest ones, require some physical training. The other ones are suitable for families with children. You should always remember to carry suitable clothes with you and comfortable and strong shoes suitable for trips. It is advisable to wear different layers of clothes which should be not too warm. In this way you will be able to adapt quickly to weather changes.
It is also useful to have a cape in case of rain and some spare clothes which you should use at the end of your trip. It is better to have in the rucksack something to drink and something highly nutritious to eat. It is advisable to carry a small first-aid-kit with you. Remember to throw rubbish in a litterbin at the end of your trip.



Trekking Itinerary no. 1 - Sassi Landscape Tour
Trekking Itinerary no. 1 - Sassi Landscape Tour
Miratoio - Sasso Simone e Simoncello - Case Barboni
Departure: Miratoio
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 5h 15min
Interest: Flora, Geology
Trekking Itinerary no. 2 - Route of the Turkey Oak Wood
Cantoniera - Sasso Simone - Carpegna
Departure: Cantoniera
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist / E - Hiking
Duration: 3h 45min
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
Trekking Itinerary no. 3 - Route of the Pastures
Frontino - Colle Croce di San Sisto - Ca' Buchero - Montefiorentino - Frontino
Departure: Frontino
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 5 h
Interest: Religion
Trekking Itinerary no. 3A - Route of the Pastures
San Sisto (Didactic Hall) - Torre del Peschio - Monte Cassinelle - San Sisto
Departure: San Sisto
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 3 h
Interest: Flora
Trekking Itinerary no. 3B - Route of the Pastures
Piandimeleto - Viano - San Sisto
Departure: Piandimeleto
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 4h 30min
Interest: History
Trekking Itinerary no. 4 - Route of the Conifer Woods
Cippo - Costa dei Salti - Trabocchino - Cippo
Departure: Cippo
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 3 h
Interest: Panorama
Trekking Itinerary no. 4A - Route of the Conifer Woods
Carpegna - San Leo - Cippo - Fondaccio - Pianello - San Pietro - Carpegna
Departure: San Leo
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist / E - Hiking
Duration: 4 h
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
Trekking Itinerary no. 5 - Floristic Route of "Costa dei Salti"
Trekking Itinerary no. 5 - Floristic Route of "Costa dei Salti"
Case Nanni - Ville - Mt. Boaggine - Case Nanni
Departure: Case Nanni
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist / E - Hiking
Duration: 3 h
Interest: Flora
Trekking Itinerary no. 5A
Ponte Cappuccini – Montale – Paterno – Croce – Eremo – Ville – Monte Boaggine – Ponte Cappuccini
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 5 h
Interest: Flora, Geology
Trekking Itinerary no. 6 - Route of the Mountain Summit Meadows
Trekking Itinerary no. 6 - Route of the Mountain Summit Meadows
Scavolino - Passo del Trabocchetto - Passo dei Ladri – Scavolino
Departure: Scavolino
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: EE - For expert hikers
Duration: 4 h and 15 min
Interest: Wildlife
Trekking Itinerary no. 6A - Route of the Mountain Summit Meadows
Trekking Itinerary no. 6A - Route of the Mountain Summit Meadows
Eremo Monte Carpegna - Trabocchino - Antenne Rifugio Fontanelle - Passo dei Ladri - Pianacquadio
Departure: Eremo Madonna del Faggio
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 3 h
Interest: Panorama
Trekking Itinerary no. 7 - Route of the Beech Wood
Trekking Itinerary no. 7 - Route of the Beech Wood
Villagrande - Monte Palazzolo - Celletta - Passo del Trabocchetto - Pianacquadio
Departure: Villagrande
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 3h 45min
Interest: Panorama
Trekking Itinerary no. 8 - Pietrarubbia Route
Ponte Cappuccini - Cà Mancino - Pietrarubbia Castello - Pietrafagnana - Montale - Ponte Cappuccini
Departure: Ponte Cappuccini
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist (level)
Duration: 3 h 30 m
Interest: History

Mountain Biking and Horse Riding

Itinerary 1: Pian dei Prati - Strada della Todt - Cantoniera Pianello - San Pietro - Carpegna
Typology: By bike, On horseback
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
Itinerary 1A: Sasso Simone - Cerdirosso - Lago delle Trote
Route by mountain bike and on horseback, 1 - Alternative Route A
Typology: By bike, On horseback
Interest: Panorama
Itinerary 2A
Route by mountain bike and on horseback, 2 - Alternative Route A
Typology: By bike, On horseback
Interest: Flora, Panorama
Itinerary 2B: Trabocchino - Croce - Gavina - Paterno (Cà Vandi) - Carpegna
Route by mountain bike and on horseback, 2 - Alternative Route B
Typology: By bike, On horseback
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
Itinerary 5A: Scavolino - Andreuccio Lake - Scavolino
Route by mountain bike and on horseback, 5 - Alternative Route A
Typology: By bike, On horseback
Interest: Flora, Wildlife

The Alta Via dei Parchi

A long hike in the northern Apennines

The Alta Via dei Parchi is a 27 stages long itinerary to be walked along the Apennines between Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and the Marches.

26 - Rifugio Biancaneve al Fumaiolo - Bascio
26 - Rifugio Biancaneve al Fumaiolo - Bascio
This is a long stage where problems in finding the path are likely.
Departure: Rifugio Biancaneve al Fumaiolo
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Duration: 8 h 30 m
27 - Bascio - Eremo Madonna del Faggio
27 - Bascio - Eremo Madonna del Faggio
This is a powerfully fascinating environment, from the sea of clay outcrops to the ancient forest of oaks and stretches of open meadows. The Sassi Simone e Simoncello and Mount Carpegna dominate the view.
Departure: Bascio
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Duration: 6.30 hours; 7.30 hours by way of Carpegna; consider...
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