

Nature Itineraries in Oglio Sud Park

In the Park it is possible to choose among several itineraries. Usually, they are not provided with trail markers and develop in the countryside, on secondary roads and exploiting dirt or asphalt roads running along the river banks. These itineraries are described in the "Tourist Map" you can find in the Park Offices.
Moreover, a few pedestrian trails have been equipped in the Nature Reserves and a few cycle-pedestrian trails have been equipped in areas of particular naturalistic or historical-cultural interest. They have their own trail markers, as well as panels helping in the landscape interpretation. Further trails will be equipped in the future.

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Nature Itineraries in Oglio Sud Park
"Le Margonare"
"Le Margonare"
Cycle-pedestrian Itinerary across Belforte Peat Bogs between the Municipalities of San Martino dall'Argine and Gazzuolo (MN)
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, History
"Ponte della Barca"
"Ponte della Barca"
Cycle-pedestrian Itinerary in the Municipality of Ostiano
Departure: Castello
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot, By bike
Interest: Panorama, History
Canale Bogina
Canale Bogina
Cycle-pedestrian Itinerary in the Municipality of Commessaggio
Departure: Torrazzo Gonzaghesco
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: By bike
Interest: Panorama, History, Photography
Oglio Bike Tour
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: By bike
Runate and Gerra Gavazzi Pedestrian Itinerary
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
The River by Canoe
The River by Canoe
Isola Dovarese - Marcaria
Departure: Isola Dovarese
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: Canoe
Duration: 4 h
Interest: Panorama
The River Oglio by canoe
The River Oglio by canoe
Marcaria - Torre d'Oglio
Departure: Marcaria
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: Canoe
Duration: 3 h
Interest: Panorama
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