
Riserva Naturale della Val Rosandra - Dolina Glinščice

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Common snipe (photo by Riserva Regionale Val Rosandra)
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Jurinea mollis on the moorland of Mt. Stena (photo by Riserva Regionale Val Rosandra)
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View of Val Rosandra from S. Lorenzo (photo by Riserva Regionale Val Rosandra)

A territory rich in history and natural beauties

A few kilometers from Trieste, right at the border with Slovenia, in the municipality of San Dorligo della Valle - Dolina, the karst upland is carved by a valley groove, the Val Rosandra-Dolina Glinščice - which has now become a Nature Reserve - where the only superficial water course in the Karst region around Trieste flows: the stream Rosandra-Glinščica, which has always fed its plants, housed its animals and represented an attraction for man and anthropic activities.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 746.00 ha
Provinces: TS
Establishment: 1996
Mostrate la vostra attività locale ai lettori di
© 2025 - Comune di San Dorlingo della Valle - Občina Dolina (organo gestore)